Manufacturing Business Expansion


Manufacturing Business Expansion


The Macroeconomic Paper tests your ability to apply economic principles to a business decision considering the impact of macroeconomic variables. Select one situation from the items outlined below: A to D. Complete the paper on the selected situation as specified below. The completed paper is a professional report and is due in Week 6 (180 points). See the grading rubric at the end of this document. Be sure to use the DeVry library to find data, and avoid questionable sources, such as Wikipedia.

Each of the scenarios has a list of macroeconomic areas you are to address, with sources, in your answer. Briefly, you are to research and show how these apply to your scenario: GDP growth rate (20 points), the business cycle, unemployment, and inflation (40 points), fiscal policy and level of unemployment (30 points), monetary policy, and interest rates (30 points), and demographics (10 points).

Find the whole Instructions Document here: ECON545 Paper Project 2 – Revised 10 16 2015 (2)

Answer Preview 

The business cycle is considered as a variety of factors that influence economic growth based on the fluctuations of various macroeconomic aspects as observed in the market. The changes remain normal in any economic situation and there is a need to monitor the recent trends in a variety of aspects of the business cycle. The consideration of a single aspect could provide misleading indicators and result in the business making the wrong decision of expanding at the wrong time. The expansions of the business cycles aspects mean that there is real growth in terms of indicators of the business cycle like employment and industrial production.

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