Marijuana rules in The United States


Marijuana rules in The United States


Marijuana-based businesses in the US and the interaction between state law and federal law. Should states have the right to legalize recreational drugs even if it violates the law? Should marijuana be regulated by U.S. states or the federal government?

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The state governments have continued to push the marijuana agenda using voter initiative. Nonetheless, the Federal Controlled Substances Act, which was enacted in 1970, categorizes regulated substances into five distinct categories, and allows federally registered medical practitioners to prescribe drugs listed in all, but not the ones listed in Schedule 1. The Act, lists “marihuana” as a drug with “a high potential for abuse, and has no currently accepted medical use, and accepted safety.” Furthermore, the Act stipulates that it is illegal to use, prescribe, possess, distribute, or cultivate any Schedule 1 substance except in instance, where the substance forms part of an accepted research study. Congress has the power to reschedule or de-schedule marijuana, if it deems fit (Caulkins, Kilmer & Kleiman, 2016).

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