Market Analysis for Online Retailing Industry in Australia


Market Analysis for Online retailing industry in Australia


EXTERNAL ANALYSIS -The Opportunities and Threats are developed from this External analysis. • Market Analysis Description: 3. The total market identified; size and growth trends from previous years.  
• External Competitor Analysis – 4. Identify and describe up to 2 major competitors in terms of their size, goals, market share, product quality & marketing strategies.  
• Macro environmental Analysis – 5. PEST or PESTLE (Political, Economic, Social-cultural, Technological, Legal and Environmental) Analysis. Brief summary of broad trends that may bear on product line. 

Answer preview

Online retailing industry in Australia has been undergoing substantial growth over the recent years, as the market is continually benefitting from technological advancement instigated by emergence of personalized computers, internet, and smart-phones. As presented Singapore Post Limited (2015) report, the market size has grown in Australia to extend that it had reached 6.8% of general retail spending in 2013. On the third quarter of fiscal year 2016, online industry had already generated 18bn of revenue in the Australian economy, and by the end of the financial year, the revenue had surpassed $20 billion (IBIS World, 2016 and Mitchell, 2016). In IBIS World report, it is indicated that the fast-growing online retail market was already contributing to job employment of about 66,014 in Australia by November 2016.

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