Market Segmentation (Amazon Australia)


Market segmentation (Amazon Australia)


Using the four bases of segmentation, what market segmentation approaches do you think are most relevant for the chosen product, considering the type of product?

Using what you know about the targeting strategy, what is the targeting strategy that the product uses? Clearly state what that strategy is? 

Is it the same strategy as other products within the brand? If yes, why and if no, why? Justify your answer. What is the segment profile?

Use the positioning strategy stated above and using the same product that you chose earlier, analyze and examine the positioning strategy. Do you think it will last for the next 5 years? Do you think it will require any changes? Justify your answer.

Answer preview

Market segmentation is considered to be one of the oldest marketing tricks in the books. In any business, market segmentation has become important with customer preferences and demographic becoming broader (Lamb et al 2012). In this case, the most relevant marketing segmentation approaches for audio book from Amazon Australia include demographic segmentation, psychographic segmentation and behavioral segmentation. Considering the fact that audio book from Amazon is using modern technological advancements most of the customers will be willing to purchase this product (Hassan & Craft, 2012). In addition to this, this product will attract young people who are fans of reading novels and other materials.

Word count: 462