Market Trends and Forces (Marketing promotion of New Zealand antipode water company in the Philippines)


Market Trends and Forces (Marketing promotion of New Zealand antipode water company in the Philippines)


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The Philippines represents a stable political-legal environment. An analysis of the recent election by cites shows that country enjoys stable political stability, with a majority of Filipino approving the political leadership (, 2017. The overall political effect translates to the positive economic position. The stability of the country and the political system creates a strong appeal to the local market. The Filipino government considers business as a strong driver of social reforms. As such, the introduction of antipode water in the local market will not result in additional costs.

The strong political relation between New Zealand and the Philippines becomes signifies of business. The relations are more evidenced by the direct flights between the two countries, spurring tourism. Tourists are the main target consumers for antipode water. The company can take advantage of the positive relations to include antipode in its export portfolio. New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (2018) anticipates that by 2020, trade relations between New Zealand and the Philippines will be duty-free, opening the international market wider. Also, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) present further business opportunities as one of the fastest-growing markets with substantial business and investment opportunities. In addition, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) represents a strong relationship between the Philippines and New Zealand. New Zealand Antipodes Water can leverage this partnership to widen its business portfolio in the country market

Word Count:  1400