Marketing Analysis: Marketing Plan for Starbucks Australia


Marketing Analysis: Marketing Plan for Starbucks Australia


Write a Marketing Analysis: Marketing Plan for Starbucks Australia

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2.1 Identified Issues

Despite the company’s multinational resourcefulness, the unreceptive of Australian consumers led to a massive decline of Starbucks’ business. The company had to close about 60 stores to remain with slightly above 20 stores in Australian markets (Lutz, 2014). The enormous decline of business led to the company’s market share dropping down to only about 2%.  One of the issues that led to the decline of business includes the application of standard business strategies that embraced approaches used in other international markets, particularly the United States (US), the United Kingdom (UK), and China (Hurst, 2014). The use of premium prices in low-traffic areas over the competitors’ rating continued to the company’s failure. Introducing exotic products, such as drip tea as opposed to culturally accepted espresso also led to great repellence of the Australian coffee market.

Word Count: 2200