Marketing Communication of HelloFresh


Marketing Communication of HelloFresh


This assignment has several purposes. It requires you to:

  1. Apply marketing theory to the activities of a specific organization;
  2. Prepare a formal written report.

Using one of the companies/ products/ brands, identify and explain the five core marketing concepts. Describe and discuss the marketing strategy employed for one customer segment. This includes profiling one segment as a target market and each of the marketing mix elements employed to meet the needs of that segment.

Step 1 – Choose one of the companies / brands from HelloFresh, McDonalds, Just Jeans, Taronga Zoo, Chivas Regal, Kellogg’s, Vinomofo, or Jeep and then pick a product or product line or product category. If you are unsure, discuss with your workshop facilitator and get the chosen product line approved.

Step 2 – By reviewing the company’s marketing communications and other researched data, IDENTIFY, the target market profile of one customer segment targeted by the company with this Product or Product line

Step 3 – Research the required information to complete the sections of the report as outlined below. Follow the rubric on page 4 as a guide to your headings. Use a numbering system for headings.

  1. Introduction: It’s advisable to write this last as it overviews each of the areas included in the report. Use future tense in your language, e.g. “This report will…” Remember it should not include the conclusion. The purpose is to introduce the organisation, the chosen product line and then finally the report elements and structure.
  2. The Core Marketing Concepts:
    • Markets and Target market segment: Define and describe what a market is and what a segment is. Based on the chosen company’s communication, research and identify the segmentation factors and variables used by your company to segment the market.
    • Customer Profile: Based on the chosen company’s communication, research and identify the Consumer Behaviour aspects that lead to the target market profile of one customer segment targeted by the company with this Product or Product line.
    • Needs, Wants and Demands: Using your company as an example, explain and describe, needs, wants and demands and apply to the identified segment.
    • Marketing Offerings: Using your company as an example, explain and describe the marketing offering (demonstrating the product as a continuum of goods, service and experience). Explain the underlying market need or want the product fulfills.
    • Value and Satisfaction: Define and describe the concepts of value and satisfaction. Describe the role of quality. Using the selected company demonstrate how the product offering currently does, or could, create value and satisfaction for its customers.
    • Exchanges, Transactions and Relationships: Explain and describe the exchanges, transactions and relationship processes experienced by the customer and the company. Suggest how the company might build more profitable relationships.
  1. The Marketing Mix: Describe and define the role and importance of the marketing mix.
    • Product: Describe the company’s product offering including features, quality, packaging etc. Explain the 3 levels of a product and what impact does this have?
    • Price: Outline the price a customer pays for the product. Identify and justify which pricing strategy the company uses. What internal or external considerations impact price?
    • Place: List the physical places and store locations where the product can be bought.  Describe the channel of distribution used by the company. Highlight any logistics management that is of importance.
    • Promotion: Identify the types of promotion employed by the company to reach its target audience. Explain the message (value and benefits) the company is trying to communicate to the target market.
    • People: Identify the type of interactions and level of engagement between staff and customers. Describe how the service characteristics of intangibility, inseparability, perishability and variability impact the company and customers?
    • Process: List the main points in the process of creating, delivering and consumption that serve as ‘moments of truth’ for customers to determine their satisfaction level.
    • Physical Evidence: Identify the tangible reference points that assist customers to determine the level of quality service and value they are receiving.
  1. Conclusion: This is a short paragraph reiterating the main issues outlined. Use past tense for this, for example, “This report has outlined…..”
  2. REFERENCE LIST (APA):Please start on a fresh page. Use the textbook and company’s website to integrate theory and application as a minimum. Also ensure that you use in-text APA referencing.
  • Word Limit:2000 words (accepted range of 1500 to 2500 words)

Answer preview

Marketing plays a crucial role in determining how a company is able to penetrate the market and sell its products its products (Palmer, 2012). In the quest to sell products, a company must ensure that it produces products and services, which guarantee satisfaction to customers. Hellofresh is a German company that deals with food ingredients and delivers them to be prepared as meal by customers. Therefore, the report will dwell on the effectives of its marketing mix that facilitates excellent service delivery. Because, HelloFresh deals with food products, its prices must be satisfactory to the demands of the consumers. The report will look at the market segment; therefore, market segmentation will give an elaborate understanding of how the food industry is defined and the position the company occupies.

Word count: 2691