Marketing Frameworks, Communication Strategies and Social Corporate Strategies


Marketing Frameworks, Communication Strategies and Social Corporate Strategies


Essay 1 (1000 Words):
a) Describe the major marketing frameworks and situate communications strategies within these. Draw on suitable case studies from Rasche et al. 2017 (Rasche.pdf).

b) Read the Nestle case study in CaseStudy.pdf. Using this case study as a starting point, identify best practice models for corporations that wish to develop a corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy.

Essay 2 (1000 Words):
a) How can corporate strategy best embrace corporate social responsibility? Identify some of the challenges businesses face in pursuit of an ethical approach to business. Draw on suitable case studies from Rasche et al. 2017 (Rasche.pdf).
b) Read the Maersk case study in CaseStudy.pdf. Using this case study as a starting point, identify ways in which corporate strategy can embrace corporate social responsibility. What criticisms may be levelled at the approach adopted by Maersk?

Essay 3 (1000 Words):
a) Discuss the challenges in managing human resources as part of global supply chains.
Draw on suitable case studies from Rasche et al. 2017 (Rasche.pdf).
b) Read the Rena Plaza case study in CaseStudy.pdf. Consider the challenges inherent in global supply chains as indicated by the Rena Plaza case study. What actions should corporations undertake to protect against disasters of this kind? How do international organisations exert influence on human resource policies?

Answer preview

There are several marketing frameworks that provide a road map to marketing strategies. One of the marketing frameworks is McKinsey 7S framework. The 7S stands for strategy, systems, skills, staff, style, structures and shared vision (McKinsey & Company, 2008). The model suggests that the shared vision should inform all the activities of the firm, and that it is impossible to change one aspect of the organization in isolation. All change processes should be systematized to the entire organization, and communication is integral to achieve acceptance of the change or strategy, and the execution (Hanafizadeh and Ravasan, 2011).

Word count: 3635