Marketing Management (McDonald’s)


Marketing Management (McDonald’s)


Critically evaluate the marketing strategy and marketing management decisions taken by McDonald’s Hotel venture.

Evaluate the role of marketing communications within the McDonald’s Hotel venture marketing strategy.

McDonald’s Hotel venture operates in the highly competitive hospitality market. Analyse: The marketing environment, The competitive environment

A key idea of the McDonald’s Hotel venture was “diversification”. Discuss this concept in relation to the McDonald’s Hotel venture.

For the McDonald’s Hotel venture: Discuss the challenges faced, Provide recommendations on how McDonald’s could monitor, control and improve service quality

Discuss the main reasons why McDonald’s decided the Hotel venture was a good idea. What were the company’s strengths that they hoped to transfer into this new venture?

Discuss the brand image of McDonald’s in relation to its Hotel strategy. Is it appropriate? Does it appeal to the target audience?

Explain the concept of Positioning and describe how the Hotel was positioned in this very competitive market. What market segments was the hotel hoping to reach?

Which customer segments should Golden Arch target and why?

SWOT Analysis in Relation to McDonald’s Hotel Venture

The 7Ps Marketing Mix

Answer preview

Reaching target markets and serving them well remains one of the greatest achievements a business organisation can attain. Marketing strategy plays an important role in helping an organisation to make an attempt of reaching its target markets successfully (Chiliya, Herbst and Roberts-Lombard, 2009, p. 70). Moghaddam and Foroughi (2012, p. 19) considers marketing strategy as the procedure through which firms employ certain reactions to competitive market situations, market forces or to environmental and internal forces with an intention of being able to achieve set objectives in several or a particular target market. McDonald’s Company made a substantial move to develop a new marketing strategy in early 2000s, considering the state of growth rate the company had started facing.

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