Marketing Plan for Rebecca Bijl Photographer


Marketing Plan for Rebecca Bijl Photographer


1. Business background
Describe the background of the selected business and its industry. Include age of the business, brief history, ownership, organisational structure and product/services offered.

2. Internal Environment – Company
Describe and analyse the internal marketing environment of the selected business. You should look at the ability of the marketing department or owner to achieve marketing goals, and the ability of other functions/departments within the business to support the achievement of marketing goals.

3. External Environment
Describe and analyse the external environment of the selected business by conducting a PESTLE analysis (Political, Economic, Socio-cultural, Technological, Legal and Ecological environments). In each section, cover at least five (5) points; for example, 5 Political factors, 5 Economic factors, 5 Socio-Cultural factors, 5
Technological factors, 5 Legal factors and 5 Ecological factors.

4. Competitor Analysis
Identify and contrast two (2) brand and two (2) substitute competitors of the selected business. In the contrast, compare the competitors on factors such as outlets, segments served, product and service offerings, price, brand and any other relevant competing factors.

5. SWOT Analysis
Analyse the business’s internal strengths and weaknesses relative to competitors and the external opportunities and threats it may face in the market. In each section, cover at least five (5) points – for example; 5 strengths, 5 weaknesses, 5 opportunities and 5 threats. This should follow from your previous analysis of the internal and external environments.

6. Segment Profile
(a) Identify and profile a suitable target segment relative to the product/service offering for the business to target.

(b) Justify how the above segment in Q 6, (a) will be reachable, responsive and profitable for the selected business.

7. Marketing Objective
(a) Suggest a measurable marketing objective for the business. The marketing objective needs to clearly express what the marketing plan is to achieve. The objective must be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time bound (SMART).

(b) Explain and justify why the objective that you have developed is relevant for the business. You should make reference to the situational analysis from Tasks 1-5.

8. Marketing Strategies
Using either Ansoff’s Grid and/or Porter’s Generic Strategies: recommend two (2) strategies that could be implemented to achieve the objective you have developed in Task 7. Justify for each of the two (2) strategies how it will achieve the marketing objective.

Presentation of written work
Appropriate layout, correct spelling, grammar and is within the word limit (3000). Correct in line APA referencing and set sources accurately out in reference list according to APA rules 6th edition.

Answer preview

Rebecca Bijl owns a photography business that operates as a single proprietorship business which began about six years ago. The photographer mainly started as a specialist in wedding and portrait photographs mostly during wedding occasions. The business is based in Christchurch, New Zealand. The business’ main studio is located in Piano so that it can be accessible to as many customers as possible. Photography studios should be strategically located to facilitate the comfortable shooting of photos. Photographs and portraits are the main products that the business has at its portfolio. Undeniably, the background of the photo sessions is vital to the outcome of a bright and attractive photograph (Peterson, 2015). Therefore, Rebecca shoots both indoor and outdoor photos based on the preference and taste of the clients. The photography industry is an open industry with no restrictions hence highly competitive, and for this reason, Rebecca Bijl has to operate at maximum best.

Word count: 3707