Marketing Plan-Jeep of Australia


Marketing Plan-Jeep of Australia


Write an essay paper detailing a marketing plan for Jeep of Australia

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The marketing objectives below are anchored on the Maslow’s theory of human motivation, hierarchy of needs (physiological, security and safety, self-esteem, self-actualisation). The hierarchy begins with physiological needs at which should be satisfied first and self-actualisation as the highest level of needs that should be satisfied last (Huitt, 2004). The Australian target market falls under the love and belonging, and security and safety levels where family connection and reliability of family are part of the existing needs.

The first objective is focused on the recreation of the brand identity of Jeep as a modern car that conforms to the changing preferences and taste of Australian consumers towards SUVs. This objective will be attained through the product design that gives confidence on safety, functionality and flexibility for family use (“FleetPlus”, 2019). This would mean conformity to the environmental regulations of Australia through transparent reporting on fuel consumption and emission.  This objective will be measured through customer feedback on the company website and reviews on product pages. The Google Analytics tool will be used.

Word Count: 3600