Maternal Mortality Rate in the U.S


Maternal Mortality Rate in the U.S


The USA has one of the highest maternal mortality rates amongst the developed countries or the high resource countries. The USA also has the highest health budget in the world. However, availability of high-tech, high-cost interventions don’t necessarily mean improvement in maternal health outcomes for many American women.
1. Why is MMR rising in USA? And defying the global trends among the developed countries?
2. What are some possible and probable causes? Prepare a 350 word (max word limit) response after doing some research.

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Undoubtedly, the U.S is considered top the list of the highest maternal mortality rates (MMR) compared to the other high-resource nations. According to Commonwealth Fund Report (2020), in 2018, the MMR was 17.4per 100000 pregnancies, translating to about 660 deaths. These statistics are alarming, considering that the country has hugely invested in the healthcare system. Additionally, it has hi-tech resources and personnel who can address the issue. Nevertheless, the problem continues to escalate due to various reasons top amongst them being a lack of priority for maternal healthcare.

Word count: 486