McDonald’s positioning, targeting and segmentation


McDonald’s positioning, targeting and segmentation


Chapter 8 lays the foundation of marketing tactics. Please read it more carefully. Discuss how a particular hospitality business that you know goes about targeting at a specific segment and creates a unique position in the marketplace (do not use examples from the textbook or copy from previous classmates’ posts). To make it more fun, you can go to a hospitality business of your choice (such as a restaurant, hotel, casino, bar, club, golf course, etc.) and observe who are the people that frequent the business and how that business unit caters to their needs by differentiating itself from its competition.

Answer preview

McDonald’s positioning, targeting and segmentation remains one of the integral parts of the business organization marketing strategy. Segmentation entails dividing demographic into groups as per specific characteristics, whereas the company’s positioning implies selecting certain groups recognized due to segmentation in order to offer products and services in the targeted market. McDonald’s marketing mix is comprised of varied approaches that aim at meeting business concerns in diverse markets across the globe.

Word count: 224