Measures Taken By Health Authorities To Combat A Recent Ebola Outbreak In The Congo


Measures Taken By Health Authorities To Combat A Recent Ebola Outbreak In The Congo


Write an essay detailing some of the measure that the Health Authorities have taken to combat Ebola outbreak in Congo

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According to Agency Report (2017), upon the outbreak of Ebola in the DR of Congo in 2017, the World Health Organization (WHO) and its Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN) partners immediately vowed to work with its national authorities to help contain this disease. There are different measures that have been taken to contain this disease. In the first place, the national authorities have quarantined the remote villages like the northern Bas-Uele Province which have experienced an outbreak of the dreaded disease (Agency Report, 2017).  Also, the DR of Congo government, in conjunction with the WHO authorities, has moved to reinforce systems of communication in order to ensure that citizens who show symptoms of the disease are immediately quarantined to prevent it from spreading.

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