Media Analysis of Black Panther (2018)


Media Analysis of Black Panther (2018)


For this media analysis, you will analyze how one part affects the whole media production.

Genre: Explain how the production you chose fits into its genre.
Camera: Analyze how the camera’s use (camera angles, for instance) affects the overall production.
Lighting: Describe how lighting is used to enhance or detract from the production.
Actors/Characters: Analyze how the actors OR the characters themselves enhance or detract from the production.
Symbols: Explain what the symbols are and how their usage affects the overall production.
Music: Describe how the music enhances or detracts from the media production.
Sound Effects: Analyze how the sound effects enhance or detract from the production.
Special Effects: Explain what special effects are used and how they affect the viewing experience.
Comparison to a Literary Work: (Note: This option may only be chosen if the film you chose is also in print form.) How are the book and film similar? How are they different? Which is better, and why?

Answer preview

One of the strongest aspects of the movie Black Panther is the action that rises from most of its scenes. The producer and director of the film Ryan Coogler has done a tremendous job in putting together various aspects of the film work t come up with a film that has a very strong impression on the message of action. The movie Black Panther has its main theme around this subject basis its foundations on the experiences of royalties challenging one another for the throne (Ide 2).

Word count: 678