Media as an agent of socialization.


Media as an agent of socialization.


Write a sociology paper on media as an agent of socialization.

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There is also the story by Nonny Hogrogrian one fine day. This book was written for children who are already at the school-going age. The story talks about a fox who travels across the forest and gets so thirsty. In his travels, the fox spots milk belonging to an old woman who was unattended. The fox is said to have drunk the milk, and when the old lady saw him, she cut off his tail as punishment. The fox is given conditions that he should return the milk to the old lady if he wanted his tail to be sown back. The fox then embarks on a journey that creates a chain of reactions searching for milk. The book has great socialization messages, first, it is a good story that helps create a bond between the child and the family during the story reading time. The story also teaches children that there are consequences for each and every action that they take. In general, the book teaches children about morals and values. Children learn that it is not good to steal, no matter the circumstances (Handel, 2006).

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