Media Discussion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a Negative Technological Development


Media Discussion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a Negative Technological Development


Choose a specific communications/media technology that has affected the emergence or transformation of the public sphere (old or new). Explain, analyse and assess the social, economic, political and cultural impacts of this technology. Draw on specific examples, scholarly and media sources, and theory to support your argument.

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AI is an important element of media discussions about today’s political sphere, and is often presented as a negative development in the entire political spectrum. According to Zuiderveen Borgesius (2018), AI plays a major role in political aspects such as campaigns and influencing the perception of masses towards politics. The case of Cambridge Analytica in 2016 presidential elections is the most cited example of how AI manipulates the electorate by playing with their psychology. The media reporting of the 2016 US presidential election demonstrates the power of AI technologies that allow players in the political sphere to target people’s emotions and use targeted message to influence their judgement (Zuiderveen Borgesius, 2018). This is enabled by the availability of data about the public from different sources such as digital profiles and digitalization of commercial activities. Through social media platforms, for example, user data is easily available to track behavioral patterns and relationships of individuals. In this case, AI is presented in the media as the technology that enables real-time analysis of data and recommends particular courses of actions. The United States’ example means that media discussions about AI will increasingly be flawed by manipulation of the public to adopt a particular perspective towards politicians and policies. Using AI technologies to influence emotions would not create a possibility of misrepresentation of political facts, but also change how electorates relate with to their political representatives.

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