Mediation: Methods of Dispute Resolution


Mediation: Methods of Dispute Resolution


Write an essay Mediation: Methods of Dispute Resolution

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The war between the United States and the Islamic countries has affected the lives of many people including school going children whose lives have halted because of the ongoing war. Moreover, mothers have lost their husbands in the war while trying to defend their countries making it difficult for them to fend for their children on their own. This war has also affected the economy of all the countries that are in war because all their monies and finances have been channeled towards making the most ruthless weapons to enable them to defeat their enemies. This is a major problem because instead of allowing children to go to school, they are being forced to become soldiers of war in a war that they only heard of and they do not even understand why they are fighting it. Therefore, here is a need to come up with a solution of this problem to ensure that this problem is resolved.

Word Count: 900