Medicine report: New Research methodologies for Personalized Nutrition

Medicine report: New Research methodologies for Personalized Nutrition

Justify the need for new research methodologies for personalized nutrition drawing on relevant examples from the scientific literature, functional medicine, and concepts from the philosophy of science; at the same time demonstrating the limitations of current methodologies whilst respectfully acknowledging and critically analyzing/evaluating opposing arguments. (outcomes 1 – 4, 6) Reflect on the potential positive and negative social and economic consequences and ethical considerations of both existing the evidence-based paradigm and the personalized paradigm. (outcome 7). 4000-word Essay

see learning outcomes, therefore essay should be based on this:

On completion of the module, the successful student will be able to:

1 Critically evaluate the utility and limitations of existing controlled experimental designs for producing clinical evidence in personalized nutrition
2 Argue coherently for the adoption of new techniques and research protocols into the evidence-based medicine paradigm
3 Critically reflect on the relevance of abstract concepts from the philosophy of science to the development of new evidence-based protocols for personalized nutrition, evaluating inherent implications these have for the current existing contradictory clinical evidence for personalized nutrition.
4 Demonstrate a deep and systematic understanding of the functional model, its interpretation of personalized healthcare, and its interrelationship with other healthcare paradigms
5 Justify the design of a research proposal for generating clinical evidence for personalized nutrition
6 Acknowledge and respect the beliefs and intellectual positions of others and defend their own beliefs regarding the role of clinical evidence in science-based medicine.
7 Critically reflect on the potential positive and negative ethical, social, economic consequences of the mainstream adoption of personalized nutrition.

Answer Preview:

The Need for New Research methodologies for Personalised Nutrition
Perhaps, one of the most important health challenges which medical practitioners face today is those of chronic illnesses which are emphatically related to individual lifestyles which people adopt. The most common lifestyle diseases include obesity, diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. These are all associated with escalating direct and indirect costs, to government organizations, health service departments, as well as the individual patients and their families. During 1995, obesity alone cost the United States government over USD $100 billion, a figure which has almost certainly continued to rise over the years (Wolf and Colditz, 1998).

Words: 4000 words
Format: Havard
40 references