Melbourne Cancer Marathon


Melbourne Cancer Marathon


Attend an event and write a report. You should address the following components in a report format:
1. Setup: Charter/Plan, promotion and use of technology
2. Stakeholders: Identify the internal and external stakeholders for the event and create a stakeholder map
3. Site/venue suitability: Critique the chosen site/venue in relation to how well it is fit for purpose, e.g. consider site access, movement, congestion and use of space for people (& if relevant vehicles & services)
4. Risk: Create a risk matrix for this event (in a table format) identifying at least 15 potential risks that may affect this event and allocating them correctly in your risk matrix in relation to severity and consequences. You should include a variety of risk types.
Each of the above components should also include a discussion of the concept involved (i.e. charter, promotion, technology, stakeholders, site/venue layout and risk). You are expected to use and reference a range of academic sources e.g. journals, texts, industry publications and online references throughout the report.

Answer preview

Melbourne Cancer Marathon is expected to attract several tourists, corporates and local attenders. This event will be made popular through marketing. We believe that making the first event successful, we shall have marketed for the success of the events that will follow the years to come. The objective of this marathon is to support cancer patients, promote healthy lifestyle amongst the locals, and to mobilize corporates and interested parties to take part in a regular support for cancer programs.

The Marathon will be a 20km run, beginning from 7 am in the morning and running up to late in the evening, 5pm. The event will be hosted at Batman Avenue, with the start/finish line being t this venue. The runners will be kicked off from Batman Avenue, then they will be running to West Gate park along the West Gate Fwy highway and back to Batman Avenue.

Word count: 2585