Memo Review: On-line Profile


Memo Review: On-line Profile


On-Line Profile
Many businesses are recognizing that traditional resumes are becoming outdated or are no longer an accurate way to evaluate potential employees. To get to know potential employees better, several companies are asking applicants to submit an “on-line, electronic profile.” In addition to searching Google for applicant background, firms are looking at applicants’ Facebook page, Twitter and Linked-In accounts. Your firm has discovered that the majority of resumes submitted in the past few years have been largely inaccurate, misleading, and filled with misinformation. Because of this, your firm has been unable to hire qualified workers, which has caused many problems. The Hiring Manager, Sheila Lass, has decided to stop accepting traditional resumes. Instead, she will ask potential employees to submit an “on-line, electronic profile.” She feels she can get to know the “real” person by examining their profile.

Write her a correctly formatted memo informing her of your position on this issue. Include several, well-
reasoned ideas that either support or oppose her plan.

Answer preview

The use of resumes in the recruitment process seeks to provide background information about the candidate, but at times the resume might fail to present the actual image of the individual. Online profiles give a better image of the individual and when seeking to understand the person better there is need to conduct an extensive search for the online profiles of the potential candidates. The practice of employers seeking further information individuals about candidates online has gained increased popularity and need to be utilised whenever such an opportunity arises to give the recruiter enhanced understanding of the individuals.

The online platforms are areas where people chat with others and present themselves the way they would like others to view them through the pictures and other information provided. While an individual might have their resume edited by a professional writer to make it look attractive, the same cannot be done on the online profiles of the same individual. The online platform can thus be said to present the true image of the individual. The nature of information provided there would be able to give the recruiting agent a true presentation of the candidate. Through the online profile one can be able to view the activities which a candidate engages in and even the kind of friends that they relate with.

Word count: 614