Men and Women Learn English in Different Ways


Men and Women Learn English in Different Ways


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There are different factors that determine the strategies and duration taken to become fluent and effective in the language (Xinyan, 2014).  These factors can be grouped as learner based factors, teacher based factors and environment based factors. When determining the best strategies to use in teaching or learning English language one must consider these factors.  The learner based strategies are whether English is the first or second language, age, gender, cognitive abilities and styles, personality, attitude and motivation. Learning a second language is more difficult and challenging than learning the first languages. Children learn new language faster than the old people. Cognitive abilities differ with different age groups among the learners (Xinyan, 2014). As they grow older, their cognitive ability increases and thus are able to comprehend more sophisticated information. Equally different people have different ways of identifying, storing and extracting information they have learnt in class.  Some learners learn best by listening while others by observing.  The learning strategy should be based on the cognitive ability and style of the learners. Statistics and research shows that extroverts learn English faster than introverts. The extroverts engage themselves in conversation with members in the social circles more than introverts. As a result, they are able to learn the English language faster (Xinyan, 2014).  Learners who are self-motivated and have positive attitude towar

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