Merit System Standards: Hiring the Unqualified.


Merit System Standards: Hiring the Unqualified.


Write a summary of the article, Merit System Standards: Hiring the Unqualified.

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  1. The Forest Service’s practice of reserving designated positions for unqualified applicants is unfair to qualified applicants who actually deserve to be appointed to those positions. This practice also contributes to workplace conflict because the workers who are qualified for their positions will be forced to pretend that their unqualified colleagues’ incompetency does not really affect their performance. Rather than improve race relations in the workplace, this will worsen them because workers of other ethnic backgrounds will perceive that workers of a race are being unfairly favored by being appointed to positions that they do not qualify for. If there are positions that are advertised exclusively for members of the female gender or race, it is likely that these positions will be left unfilled, to the detriment of the Forest Service, if only applicants of other races or the male gender apply for them.


Word Count: 300