Middle Adulthood as the Prime of Life


Middle Adulthood as the Prime of Life


Journal topics are designed to enhance learning, develop cultural awareness and diversity competence so students are prepared to work with clients in various settings. Typed personal reflections on the assigned questions/topics should be at least three paragraphs. (2 full pages)

Zastrow describes middle adulthood as the prime of life.  Do you agree or is young adulthood prime time? Why or why not?

Answer preview

The prime of life can be described as the period in an individual’s life when they are most productive and healthy. There are many transformations which occur in an individual’s life and maturity is the aspect that seems to clearly define what can be considered to be the prime of life. According to Zastrow, the prime of life come in middle adulthood as a result of the amount of energy and the challenges that humans face during this period (Zastrow and Kirst-Ashman 2016). This period is defined as the years between 30 and 65 when many people find themselves physically and emotionally mature to perform different tasks.

Word count: 624