Middle East Critical Thought : Critical thinking


Middle East Critical Thought: Critical thinking


Middle East Critical Thought:

– The journal article is similar to the ones on Latino Critical Theory or Queer Critical Race Theory, please check it out.

 – Social Science Academic Peer Reviewed Journal article

 – 300 words per page, 12 point Times New Roman font

– Abstract (not included in 30 pages) included as part of the first page.

– MUST be Non-Plagiarized

– Must be analytical/critical (not descriptive), well-sourced, and well-supported. Must be very familiar with APA academic formats, citations, and standards

Answer Preview 

In the recent past, critical race theory has become the center of the debate with white privilege, systematic oppression, and institutional racism taking the lead. According to Crenshaw (1995), critical race theory (CRT) is the most exciting critical development in current legal studies.  CRT dates back to the late 1980s when it first emerged in American legal scholarship. Similarly, Ladson-Billings (1998) showed that critical race theory emerged as a counter legal scholarship to the positivist and liberal legal disclosure of human rights. This theory critically investigates the contradiction in which racism persists in society despite its virtually universal criticism by state policy and the norms of the polite society (Harris, 2012). In this review, I critically seek to elucidate what CRT says, the implication of white supremacy, and racial power. Critical race theory is a long tradition of resistance to the unjust distribution of power and resources along economic, political, gender lines, and ethnicities around the globe and particularly in America (Taylor et al., 2009).

Word Count: 2560