Mission and Vision Statements(Coca-Cola)


Mission and Vision Statements(Coca-Cola)


Think about your current or former place of employment or a business where you would like to work.

Mission and Vision Statements

Write in 350- to 700-word addressing the following.

What is the company’s mission statement?
What is the company’s vision statement?
What role do these have on the way the business operates?  Do the company’s actions seem to align with its vision and mission statements?
How might the mission and vision of the organization affect or guide you as an employee or manager in the company?
If the company does not have a mission or vision statement, what might be the effect of that?

Answer Preview 

  1. align to their vision and mission statements?

            The mission and vision statements of the Coca-Cola Company serve as a tool for marketing that informs the people concerning what the company is about and how its operations benefit society. It emphasizes that the company does not only focus on the profits but also on the improvement of the human race, its progress, and the advancement of society. In addition to these, the statements indicate the nature of trust that the society has endowed on Coca-Cola Company and operate towards the benefit of the company as well as the society. The mission and vision statements guide the undertakings of the company and ensure that the operations of Coca-Cola do not deviate from the initial goals and objectives.

Word Count: 800