MNEs and FDIs


MNEs and FDIs


Answer the following questions:
1. What are according to Buckley the past IB research topics?
2. What is new in the current agenda?
3. What is the future of IB research? Can you identify new areas of focus for IB scholarship?
4. What is according to Peng the ‘big question’ in IB research?
5. Elaborate on the role of government policies in MNEs/FDI and hence, globalisation?
6. What in your view are possible future ‘big questions’ for IB?

Answer preview

According to Buckley (2002), there are certain new topics which researchers and scholars can focus on in the new IB research agenda. These include the study of mergers and acquisitions in the global arena, knowledge management, which can look at how firms acquire, process, and manage the vats information they have in the wake of increasing IT tools and data technologies, and the investigations of the role and impacts of geography and location on business. Others include further investigation and re-conceptualization of globalization, including its mediating factors and its future, as well as research on the role of non-governmental institutions, and governments in the global business (Buckley and Casson, 2009).

Word count: 675