Modern Art


Modern Art


Assignment Objectives:

  • Understand the movement to modern art by contemplating societal influences.

Prepare a one page essay discussing the movement to modern art.  Choose a style within the category of art and write about what defines that style.  Use examples to illustrate your points.  Choose from the following list of styles:

  • Impressionism
  • Dadaism
  • Cubism
  • Surrealism

Please follow these guidelines for your paper:

  • Use APA format for in-text citations and reference page.  Header, page numbers, table of content, and abstract are not necessary for this assignment. All sources should be cited within the text of the paper as well as in a reference page.
  • Citations are needed for statistics, direct quotes, and direct ideas.
  • Use one inch margins and 10-12 pt font.

Answer preview

Modern art is a representation of evolving set of concepts among a number of painters, performers and sculptors who collectively or individually has sought new approaches to Art making. Retrospectively modern art began around 1850 when the arrival of Realism brought new approaches, styles that redefined art in the 20th century (Browar, Ory, & Simkin, 2016). Since then practitioners of the new styles were determined to develop an original visual languages that was a representation of time. Therefore, modern art can be defines as the creativity response to the rational practices and perspectives of the new ideas that has been enabled by the technological developments in the industrial age the causes the modern society to reveal itself in new ways when contrasted to the past.

Word count: 391