Modern day art is complicated, and as a result, one should be as diverse as possible for them to remain relevant in the industry


Modern day art is complicated, and as a result, one should be as diverse as possible for them to remain relevant in the industry


Write an essay paper discussing how modern day art is complicated, and as a result, one should be as diverse as possible for them to remain relevant in the industry

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Additionally, it is always important to understand the fact that for most of the work that is completed, the artist has to surely prove that they are under an obligation to satisfy the market. At this point, the artist has to ensure that the market flows with them and not in any other direction. The number of artists has increased so much and that it is essential to be versatile and try to do so much different than stick to one lane which always has the capability of limiting an artist to a prison of art where they cannot move from one edge to the other. Modern art is about the ability to be diverse and stick to the diversity of the individual rather than be there for the sake of performing in one line. The field has grown so much and that with the incoming technology the amount of effort that one has to set in should be so much such that it allows an individual to operate from an edge where they are secured before they are deemed obscure by the same market already. It is more important to ensure that the business as a whole has the capability to take care of the people and not just the artists and as a result the demand for inclusivity for all the artists is pretty high and mostly just demanded by the fact that there is an increasing need to satisfy this growing market every day.

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