Mortality, Religion and Literature


Mortality, Religion and Literature


Please complete the following questions in short essay form (one to two paragraphs). Use APA format.

  • What three factors are said to be the primary influences on one’s morality?  What role does morality play in humanities?
  • Discuss the role of religion on the societies of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Judea.
  • Cite examples of how we see influences of these ancient cultures in modern America.
  • How did the Hebrew’s monotheism differ from earlier ancient religions?  Why do you think monotheism prevailed and has become the most common type of religion in modern times—as opposed to animism, polytheism, etc.?
  • How did the literature of Mesopotamia differ from the literature of ancient Egypt?

Answer preview

Moral development is the entire process in which people learn how to act toward other people and behave in community. Notably, morality takes place in phases throughout childhood and adulthood hence it is affected by factors such as religion, parents and friends. It is apparent that religion and morality is the association between religious viewpoints and morals. Most of the religions across the globe have value systems about individual behavior meant to control adherents in assessment between what is correct and what is wrong. Parents have also been influencing morality because they have remarkable role in their children’s moral development. Children normally follow or embrace the values instilled to them by their parents hence making them have certain behaviors that affect their morals. Friends also affects an individuals morals since some of friends are very influential hence changing an individual’s morals.

Word count: 698