Motor Pathways


Motor Pathways


For each area of the central nervous system below, briefly summarize the contribution to motor function. Write at least 100 words for each area:

  • Spinal Cord
  • Basal Ganglia
  • Cerebellum

What happens behaviorally when there is damage to these areas?

Answer preview

The spinal cord is a skeletal elongated tube made of nerve tissues and supporting cells; it lengthens as of the core to the brainstem and the coccyx section of the spinal feature (Moore & Anne, 2007). The spinal cords superior and inferior motor neurons traverse motor messages amid the brain and the body allowing movement. Damage to the spinal cord can effect the loss of sensory and motor functions. Injury to the thoracic or lumbar area could cause a loss in movement, sensation, and touch of the legs and chest. An Injury to the neck might cause sensation and movement loss to the arms and legs.

Word count: 354