Music Censorship in China


Music Censorship in China


Offer a survey of the size and scope of the available research literature on this topic. What is the nature and extent of the research on this topic? Has this topic has been given much academic attention? Explain what subject areas you have identified so far which have relevance to your research. Comment on recent and timely work which has contributed to our understanding of this area. Are there gaps in the literature that you have identified so far? Is this an under-researched area? If so, what literature is relevant to this topic?

Answer preview

Music censorship refers to the editing of musical works for reasons that may be motivated by morals, politics, or religion. Censorship can take place at two levels. A government can completely enforce the legal proscription of a musical work or voluntary removal of the creator. Ordinarily, editing songs before broadcast on radio or television eliminates content that may be perceived to be objectionable to the outlet’s target audience. Content that is censored may be that which has profanity or referring to sex and drug usage (Neely, 2015). Censorship takes place to comply with certain broadcast laws and increase the marketability to the mainstream audience.

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