My Communication Skills


My Communication Skills


Write a short 3-5 page paper evaluating your own communication skills. Use your text and outside resources.  Be sure to submit the paper in proper APA format including cover and reference pages. Be sure to answer the following:

1. Analyze and evaluate your communication skills, both verbal and nonverbal? Using a scale of 1-10, how would you rate them, why?  Are you aware of messages you give to others with your clothing style, hair, eye movements, posture, hand gestures and facial expressions?  Which of these do you think truly conveys who you are if any, why or why not?

2. What is your preference for communication?  Do you prefer e-mail, phone calls, text messaging?  Why? Are you aware that some people’s e-communication skills are good, but their social skills (in person) are poor?  Explain why this can happen.

3. What would you say is your body’s silent message? Why?  Is this the message you wish to convey?

4. Listening skills are as important as the ability to articulate thoughts and feelings.  Evaluate your listening skills, what could you do to improve them?

Answer preview

Communications is normally seen as the simplest skill that one can acquire, but it is rarely the truth. This explains the many misunderstandings that exist because communication is defined as the act of transferring information from one place to another. The complexity of communications is added to by its different categories. As a communicator, I have quite mastered the art of communication, especially when it comes to verbal and non verbal communication. My verbal and non verbal communication rates 8 in a scale of 1 to 10. The two forms of communication are closely interrelated.

Word count: 1452