My Daughter, Malala, Ziauddin Yousafzai


My Daughter, Malala, Ziauddin Yousafzai


Write an analysis paper on My Daughter, Malala, Ziauddin Yousafzai

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The TED video of an idea worth spreading has been done by Ziauddin Yousafzai who is a Pakistani Educator is a simple reminder of the importance of creating equal opportunities in education and identity for both men and women all over the. By giving a background of the cultural and social impediments that women have to surmount in Pakistan, Yousafzai hopes to underscore the fact that he was the wind under Malala’s wings that has enabled her to sail to those great heights. He puts it very clearly “…ask me what it did not do… I didn’t clip her wings” (Yousafzai).  Yousafzai gave Malala an identity, he enrolled her in school, and in giving Malala a chance she has brought honor to his family.

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