My memories in elementary school and middle school


My memories in elementary school and middle school


  • The order of operations brings back memories of being in elementary and middle school.  My major concerns were what we were having for hot lunch, did we get cinnamon rolls, and how long to vacation time.  At this point in life, I was wondering why do we have to follow specific steps and why is “originality or creative skills” not encouraged. I learned the rules such as Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally.

    order of operations

    P= Parenthesis

    E= Exponents

    M= Multiplication

    D = Division

    A= addition

    S= subtraction

    What are your memories of elementary or middle school and do you have any math experiences you would like to share?

Answer Preview 

My memories in elementary school are far more placed compared to middle school. Here, I can recall how our teachers would teach us about learning how to read, write and even spell words. Better is the fact that our teachers required us to say chorus answers which I really loved.  I also loved my class teacher who did not change in all our lessons compared to middle school. She was quite good and caring to us.

Word Count: 200