Nancy Soderberg’s Time to Bring the United Nation Security Council into the 21st Century


Nancy Soderberg’s Time to Bring the United Nation Security Council into the 21st Century


Write a paper reviewing Nancy Sodeberg’s Time to bring the United Nation Security Council into the 21st Century.

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Two initiates were formed, the first one being Open-ended Working Group on UNSC created in 1993 but has not yielded anything likewise the 2009 initiative has produced no results. The G-4 is in favor of adding 6 permanent member seats or slots and form non-permanent which would be the council in 15 years later. Although the Ezulwini support 2 permanent seats with veto power and 5 non-permanent. Other options favor regional organizations getting permanent rotating seats while others favors rotation of non-permanent seats for 4-10 more years.

The US has publicly supported the reform of the UNSC but privately it lost commitment. The General Assembly needed to discuss and review the current regional grouping and enable states to accept news states from other regions. That meant that, there should be no immediate change in power until it is reviewed after every 10 years and also meeting should be held to decide whether collapse permanent seats into permanent regional seats to support rotations seats but the France, United Kingdom and United States support their continued presence of the council.

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