NASW Social Working activities


NASW Social Working activities


Consider the following roles that a typical social worker might take on in her/ his work. advocate, broker, activist, enabler, group facilitator. Which one of these do you feel most comfortable performing? which one feels least comfortable performing? Explain your answers.

State the difference between micro and macro social work. Which do you see yourself doing more of in your more of in your future practice as a social worker? Explain.

Answer preview

I feel most comfortable by playing the role of an advocate, while I am least comfortable playing the role of a broker as a social worker. As an advocate, I will have an opportunity to offers proper guidance in the process of seeking provision of social justice. In the public domain, many people do not have the adequate experience or information in cases where discrimination and poverty is someone else’s cause and, therefore, end up accepting their devastating conditions of their lives.

Word count: 430