Nature, Art and Travel Fashion-Influenced Trend-A Case of Reformation Company


Nature, Art and Travel Fashion-Influenced Trend-A Case of Reformation Company


Read “Trend_Book.pdf”.

Use this as a basis to write the following, which
is a personal essay project.
1. Blog post 1: Individual brand brief (250 words): Individual brand brief to
explain why you have chosen the brand, a brief introduction of the brand,
target consumers, competitors, its current market status and future
development direction.
2. Blog post 2: Trend relevant images and analysis (250 words): This post
should include several stages of your moodboards, consumer boards, design
details boards and colour boards plus a link to your Pinterest boards.
3. Blog post 3: Chosen brand consumer and brand profiles (250 words): This
post should include consumer and brand profiles with supporting articles,
images explaining why you have come to the conclusions, you also need to
include your team presentation slides.
4. Blog post 4: Colour analysis (250 words): his post should include review and
discussion of the colours suggested by trend prediction leaders (for example:
WGSN, Premiere Vision…), and you need to explain why you have chosen
those colours for your trend.
5. Blog post 5: Textile analysis (250 words): This post should evidence of your
research into textiles (please include both imagery and information of fabric
and trimming samples).
6. Blog post 6: Literature research methods and review (1000 words): This post
should include 1) brand and competitor analysis, 2) trend forecasting
theories, 3) market intelligence, and 4) macro trends analysis.
7. Blog post 7: Print, silhouette and design detail analysis (250 words): This
post should evidence of your research into prints, silhouettes and design
details (both imagery and text). Please review relevant information and
explain why you have chosen those for your trend.
8. Blog post 8: Recommendations (250 words): This post should include
recommendations on how you would to adapt the trend you predicted for
the chosen brand (for example, if you work for marketing department, how
would you use the trend as the concept for an advertising campaign?).
9. Blog post 9: Team evaluation and personal reflection (250 words): This post
should include 1) a discussion about your team work 2) a critical analysis on
your own performance 3) how you have improved your skills and ability along
the progression of this project 4) if you could do this again, what changes
would you make?

Words: 3000 Words
References: 23 Harvard references

Answer preview

Travelling and concern for environmental sustainability are central to the young adults in the contemporary world. Increased labour force participation of women, increased jobs in service sectors, increased level of travelling with advanced transportation technologies, and increased level of cultural and social capital characterizes everyday life of travel among young adults in the contemporary world (Chatterjee et al, 2018, p. 18; World Tourism Organization, 2011, p. 9; and Savage et al, 2013, p. 240).

Word count: 4334