Negative Impacts of Tourism Development on Natural Environment in Developing Countries


Negative Impacts of Tourism Development on Natural Environment in Developing Countries


Select and answer one (1) of the following essay questions:

Essay Option 1

Sustainable tourism is potentially achievable through the development of alternative and new forms of tourism. Critically discuss this statement with reference to one or more examples of alternative tourism in developed and/or developing countries.

Essay Option 2

Community participation is considered an essential criterion of sustainable tourism development. Critically discuss this statement with reference to the sociocultural impacts of tourism in developed and/or developing countries.

Essay Option 3

Tourism is promoted by governments as an economic saviour for towns, regions and nations; however, tourism development comes at a considerable cost to the natural environment. Critically discuss this statement with reference to the environmental impacts of tourism in developed and/or developing countries.

Answer preview

Many developing countries are extremely working hard to promote tourism as an economic saviour. Exploiting the economic potential of a nation through tourism remains the one of the primary objectives of government. Therefore tourism development has received considerable effort in order to create employment, enhance infrastructure and generally boost the growth of economy in the given countries (Dieke, 2011). Creating a workable tourism framework has been the means to achieve such. As a result, countries have made tremendous strides in ensuring they become leading global destinations and tourists’ hubs. In fact, tourism has developed a significant contributions to the economies of many countries through generation of substantial level of revenue.

Word count: 2254