Negative Implications of Tourism on the Environment


Negative Implications of Tourism on the Environment


Write presentation to cover specifically:
1. Discuss how tourist can cause damage to environment from a theoretical point of view.
Provide 2 references to back up theory. (2 page PowerPoint)
2. Real life example 1: Talking specifically about the Delhi vandalism of monument (described in
background section above). Provide 1 reference. (1 page PowerPoint)
3. Real life example 2: Find another example of environmental damage by tourism in a different
country to India. Provide 1 reference. (1 page PowerPoint)

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Historically, tourism has been considered important concerning the economic benefits it brings to countries. However, in the recent past, tourists’ activities on the environment have raised the alarm to nations and environmentalists. First, tourists, pollute the environment during transportation exercises. The various means of transport used to travel to tourists destinations have led to air pollution. According to Zang et al. (2015), 60% of air travel results in a large portion of air emissions.

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