Negligence in a HR Environment


Negligence in a HR environment


Read pages 115-124 of Legal Environment of Business.

Consider the following as you read:

  • As you read this chapter, consider the elements necessary to prove negligence.
  • Think about how duty, breach of duty, causation, and damages play a role in the way business is conducted.

Write a 200-word post.

Answer preview

When an individual acts in a careless manner and causes harm to another individual,
under “negligence” legal principle, it is clear that the careless individual will be legally
responsible for any resulting harm. This foundation for evaluating and ascertaining fault is used in most conflicts revolving around injury or accident at the time of informal settlement
conversations as well as during a trial in an individual injury case. For the plaintiff to win a
negligence lawsuit, the injured individual must prove elements such as duty, breach, causation
and damages.

Word count: 224