Neo Paganism-The Wicca Religion


Neo Paganism-The Wicca Religion


Write about one of the following types of religion 1-8, using as an example one religion or case mentioned in the textbook.

Chapter 11, The search for new meaning

  1. Syncretism:  Haitian Vodou, Santeria
  2. Revitalization Movements:  Cargo Cults, Ghost Dance, Mormonism
  3. Neo-Paganism and Revival:  Wicca
  4. High Demand Religions:  Branch Davidians, Unification Church
  5. UFO Religions:  Heaven’s Gate, Raelians

Chapter 12, Religion, conflict and peace

  1. Fundamentalism:  Mormon Fundamentalism
  2. Religion and Conflict:  Iranian Revolution, Arab Spring, Hobby Lobby
  3. Religion and Peace:  South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission

Answer preview

Neo paganism is the awakening of ancient gods and goddesses that existed before the Christian religion and history, mystery cults and nature religions such as the Egyptian, Roman and Sumerians. Pagans in the new paganism religion are people who follow the predated religion, ancient European religions, North Africa traditions and others. The neo-pagans are the new pagans who gain their spiritual drive from ancient pagan beliefs and ideologies. Neo paganism also include ancestral religions, animalism, science fiction inspired religions and cultic societies that relate to witchcraft covens.

Word count: 1049