Network Operating Systems


Network Operating Systems


The Microsoft Windows enterprise operating system is utilized by a great majority of businesses today. Write an essay defining a Network Operation System (NOS), and briefly summarize the Microsoft Windows operating system. Be sure to include a minimum of one drawing of a local area network (LAN) configuration using at least a client/server relationship as part of your response. Include any other devices needed, such as routers and printers. You can use any basic drawing application for your LAN drawing.

Your essay should be two pages and be formatted using APA style. Use your own words, and include citations and references as needed to avoid plagiarism. Include at least two outside references.

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Peer-to-peer network operating systems allow every computer in a LAN equal access to files and services. In this NOS system, every computer connected can access information from any other computer with equal permission access (Thakur, 2017). The peer-to-peer system is used mostly in small or medium local area networks with few computers. This type of NOS is usually easy to set up because it requires less hardware, however, lacks a central command system and a central server. Examples of the peer-to-peer network in operation are LANtastic for Microsoft Windows, AppleShare for Apple products with Mac OS, and Windows for Workgroup (Winkelman, 2013).

Word Count: 700