Network Topologies


Network Topologies


Write a paper detailing the advantages and disadvantages of the three main topologies: ring, bus, and star.

Include the following in your paper:

  1. Write a paragraph about each topology.
  2. List the advantages and disadvantages of the type of topology and how it can be applied to the realm of data communication.
  3. List the wiring types associated with the topology, and describe how they can be used.
  4. Post a diagram of each topology. (use any basic drawing application).

Do this for each of the three types of topologies: Ring, Bus, and Star. Your response should be a minimum two-page paper with tables, graphs, and appendices.

Answer preview

Write a paragraph about each topology.

Ring: Within Rich circuit topology, all gadgets have other two closer devices for communication purposes. Every message is transmitted across the gadgets using a ring system in a rotational direction mostly ‘counter-clockwise’ or ‘clockwise’. In case of any technical failure during the transmission, the entire network breaks down. Usually, RING, SONET, and FDDI technologies are utilised in this network systems.

BUS: Bus networks utilises a singular cable as its backbone and which acts a central communication channel connecting the devices to the interface through tap or attach mechanism. Devices in this platform communicate through broadcasting of messages and are relied to all other devices through the use of a wire that is detectable by all devices. However, it is only the proposed receiver device that processes the message.

Word count: 587