Neurobiology of Trauma


Neurobiology of Trauma


Review pages 4-12 of the Understanding the Neurobiology of Trauma. Write a paper using at least 200 words. In your paper address the following:

  • Summarize the major areas of the prefrontal cortex.
  • What function do these areas have in the stress response?
  • How do you respond to traumatic situations when it comes to the fight or flight response?
  • How might someone who has experienced severe trauma in the past react differently when it comes to the fight or flight response?

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Fight or flight response is the physique’s reaction to apparent risk or endangerment. Throughout this response certain hormones similar to adrenalin and cortisol are produced. They haste the heart speed, dawdling ingestion, thrust the blood flow and alter several autonomic nerve roles. In response, severe trauma to the body sensitive nerve structure is stimulated because of the abrupt secretion of hormones (McNally, 2006). The nerve structure then fuels the adrenal glands to produce catecholamine. The response increases heart speed, blood flow and breath.

Word Count: 350