Neuroscience Reflection


Neuroscience Reflection


Reflect on the content of two (2) videos and write a 100 word summary for each video (200 words in total) focusing on the content of the videos and addressing the following:

  • In what ways does the information match what was learned in the reading for this week?
  • List one new fact learned from each of the videos.
  • Reflect on the information learned from each video in relation to your own life.
  • How might this information apply to a situation from your own experiences and observations?

One (1) video should be chosen from the following group of resources:

The other video should be the following:

Answer preview

Both of these videos are based on explaining how neuroscience works with human bodies and particularly the brains and how neuroscience can be used in brain development. In the first video (Your brain is plastic), the main purpose is to explain to explain how the brain works by using  neurons  to create more room for any additional information that is acquired at any phase of human life and thereby adjusting the brain. The video content is related to the study of neuroscience and especially when applied to the brains.

Word count: 249