New Media Devices, Announcing a Child’s Death on Twitter, Virtual Reality, Julian Assange and Posthumanism


New Media Devices, Announcing a Child’s Death on Twitter, Virtual Reality, Julian Assange and Posthumanism


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Cite “with quotes” if you quote anyone (Smith 2017). And if you cite, at the end of the Exam add a citation such as: “Smith, James. Internet Studies. London: Routledge, 2014.”

Answer preview

Even though New Media devices have been instrumental in facilitating communication and giving people the platform their thoughts on various issues of national and personal interest, they have equally raised various privacy and security concerns. This makes me more of a pessimist when it comes to over-reliance on New Media devices (Narine, 2018). The issue of privacy that continues to elicit mixed reactions among different quarters. This has become increasingly difficult in an age where technological advancements are the order of the day. Companies have been accumulating huge amounts of data from their clients with the intention of using that information to improve their competitive advantage.

Word count: 1739