Nike and consumer behaviour in the Chinese market


Nike and consumer behaviour in the Chinese market


Discuss about Nike and consumer behaviour in the Chinese market.

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According to Engle-Blackwell and Miniard Model (Blackwell, Engle and Miniard, 2005), consumer behaviour is likely to be affected by the buying process (the decision-making process as well), which includes the need recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase and the outcomes. Afterwards, they expended the model into a new version, which consists of need recognition, search for information, the evaluation of alternatives, purchase, consumption, post-consumption evaluation and the divestment (Blackwell, Engle and Miniard, 2005). Need recognition means consumers recognize their needs and seek to fulfil them, or look for a product to solve their problems. Searching for information can be classified into two channels: internal searching and external searching. After that, the step of evaluating alternatives leads to a product or a brand selection which is likely to satisfy customers.

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