Nikki S. Lee’s Identity Variation in her Representation of Multiple American Subcultures


Nikki S. Lee’s Identity Variation in her Representation of Multiple American Subcultures


The essay is on a subject chosen by the student in consultation with tutors. The presentations will provide an opportunity to present and discuss research. The presentations are not assessed but will provide formative feedback. There will be one session on academic essay writing, as well as a research-in-progress workshop

Each student will submit a 5,000 word essay that is a development of their assessed

seminar presentation. All submissions must be fully referenced and illustrated,

including a bibliography and list of illustrations.

The submission should include the following elements:

  • clear, feasible and original research question that clearly relates to the

module shows development from any feedback received;

  • discussion that relates the chosen design topic to relevant socio-economic,

cultural and political contexts;

  • use of a range of primary and secondary sources;
  • literature review and critically-informed identification of methodologies


  • fully referenced and critically-informed object analysis, use of quotes and

visual material;

  • clear and engaging structure and written style.

Answer Preview 

Overview of Lee’s Artistic Approach

Lee uses photography to record and document things about the America subculture that she is focusing on in each of the projects. At the same time, there appears to be some level of performance in her work, although describing her work as mere performance may be problematic. Lee’s own assertions suggest that none of the photographs, or scenes are preplanned (McKinney, 2000). Ideally, Lee identifies a subculture she is interested in exploring in detail. She then identifies representatives from the subculture, whom she befriends. By the time she is befriending members of the respective subcultures, she has already assumed the mannerisms, dress code, and dialects of that group (McKinney, 2000).  Once the artist feels that she has been accepted in the particular sociocultural group, she gets her friends, or bystanders, to take photographs of her in the subculture, often over a period ranging from a few weeks, to months.

Word Count: 5300