Off Shore Wind Farm


Off Shore Wind Farm


Read chapter 6 of Business Analysis (Paul, Cadle and Yeates, 2014).
– Technique 1 (PESTLE/STEEP analysis) and 2 (Five Forces Industry Analysis) from Business
Analysis Techniques (Cadel, Paul and Turner, 2014).
– You may wish to peruse technique 38 and 41 (Stakeholder analysis) from Business
Analysis Techniques (Cadel, Paul and Turner, 2014).

• Activity topic (Assignment 1):
– Week 1 Forum and journal entry
– Week 2 Forum and journal entry
– Week 3 Journal entry: How are your interviews progressing and documentation and
– Week 4 Journal entry: Did you look at MOST and find some examples to support your
ideas for the current business context?

• Workshop Activity: Week 5 Forum
– This week you will be creating a Stakeholder Power/Interest Analysis matrix. This will
assist you in the development and research of your report for the case study 1 and 2.
– On the following page there is a scenario for an “Off Shore Wind Farm” you are to
identify the stakeholders as well as create a Power/Interest matrix. Give a brief
overview of each stakeholder (from what you can deduce from the scenario) and then
show how they fit within the matrix at a current point in time. Some suggested readings:
• Customer Relationship Management (CRM):

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• Who really matters? A stakeholder analysis tool:

The following information: is an illustration of how the project is perceived by affected and interested parties:
“…. Controversy exists over the construction of wind farms in areas with a certain environmental value.
As always, and as is now the case during the early stages of plans for offshore wind farm projects, it is
not easy for those with vested interests and those who are affected by the project to come to any kind
of understanding.
The construction of the first offshore wind farm envisaged for the Gulf of Cadix is on hold. The project
[…] sited 18 km off the coast of Barbate includes 270 individual 3.6 MW wind turbines which would
provide 1000 MW of total power. […]. This has been presented as the “first sustainable development
initiative in the world to combine wind energy production with fish farming”.
Fishers, political parties, trades unions, social associations and Barbate town council, who together
make up the Local Fisheries Council, have unanimously rejected the initiative because of the detrimental
visual impact it would have for hotel complexes planned for the area, and the effects on the daily
movements of vessels fishing in the area and tuna migratory cycles. Neither does the Council see the
economic advantages of the promoters’ proposal to install 500 cages under the wind farm for the
farming of carnivorous species, with an estimated annual production of 40,000 tonnes of fish and 5,000
tonnes of shellfish.
Greenpeace believes the project is of great interest due to the large amounts of clean energy that would
be generated and also because of the R&D element of hydrogen production, but is opposed to the
unsustainable proposal for installing an aquaculture mega project, due to the multiple effects it would
have on the environment and consumers. In short, too much activity for too small an area.”
With the description of the project, the geographical area where it would be sited, and the reactions of
both people affected by and with vested interests in the project, you are to identify the stakeholders
and create a Power/Interest Analysis matrix (Suárez de Vivero, 2007, p17).

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Extract from (Suárez de Vivero, 2007, p16)

Suárez de Vivero, J. (2007, December). An exercise in Stakeholder Analysis for a hypothetical offshore

wind farm in the Gulf of Cadix. Retrieved 24 February 2017 from http://spicosa-inline.databases.eucc-

Answer preview

Stakeholders of the ‘Off Shore Wind Farm’ scenario include Greenpeace, political parties, fishers, social associations, Barbate town council, hotel complexes in the nearby area, and trades unions. Of all these stakeholders, the area’s social associations which include the Fisherman’s Guilds, the Tuna Association, and the Shipowner’s Association matter the most. These three social associations can be considered to be key stakeholders because they not only wield influence when determining matters concerning the running of the Off Shore wind farm, but also seem to be most invested in it.

Word count: 397